2010 Annual SCRC convention in Anaheim, California

2011 Annual SCRC Charismatic Renewal Convention - September 3,4,5 at the Anaheim Convention Center, close to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. For information for the next year's convention, check here and here.

All the speakers and musicians were great! Like Fr. Stan Fortuna....

Sr. Linda Koontz

Fr. Jim Nisbet

John Michael Talbot

There were exhibits of great saints and their history.

The Adoration Room

We prayed for all our soldiers.

Lots of religious items for sale.

Not sure if the big Carmelite doll was for sale.

This was during the Saturday Healing Mass with Fr. Pat Crowley


Unknown September 7, 2010 at 8:31 AM  

Hello, this is Eddie Valera, I am the Music Coordinator of St. Joseph The Worker Charismatic Prayer Group, Music Ministry, (the Music Ministry up the stage)who sang during the Saturday Healing Mass and I am wondering how I could get a copy of the film clip you have of the Entrance parade where we were singing the Entrance song, because nobody in in our group was able to record it. Thank you so much for recording the whole Entrance... Thank you!!! Amen!!!!
My e-mail address is kengelkat@hotmail.com or eddie.valera@gmail.com or eddie.cts@earthlink.net
Please respond and we would like to meet you or write you or you can call me on my cellphone (818) 300-5135

Anonymous,  September 7, 2010 at 9:22 AM  

Awesome! The arena was packed! Fr. Pat was really amazing... Spirit filled mass celebrant. The music ministry was just fantastic, their songs were anointed!

Anonymous,  September 7, 2010 at 7:17 PM  

Spiritually relaxing and enlightening - this is how I can describe the whole weekend. All the speakers and music ministries did a great job.

OLB September 7, 2010 at 7:21 PM  

Hello! Congratulations for a job well done. Your music is truly spirit-filled. I'll try to email the video clips to you. If the file is too large, I will put it on a CD and mail it to you. Will let you know.

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